E3 Global Scholarships

A unique opportunity for international immersion in Australia, learning exchange with a global network of educators, a pilot project in your home country and contribution to the E3 Global Research Study.

Applications for E3 2024 now closed.

Please contact info@youngchangeagents.com for further information

The E3 Global Scholarship Program is a unique opportunity to learn from the Australian experience in delivering entrepreneurial education in a school setting.

The Entrepreneurial Education Exchange (E3) was launched in 2022 by Australian not-for-profit social enterprise, Young Change Agents in partnership with Australian schools.

Over the last 2.5 years we have held monthly meetups, two national “unconferences” and have released our first research report, “Let’s co-create this: a vision for entrepreneurial education”.

In 2024, we welcome international schools to join E3 as part of a Global Scholarship Program designed in partnership with Australian educators.

These scholarships are worth over US$10,000 in total value per school and aim to build capacity of schools worldwide through professional development, coaching & mentoring, school connections and a local immersion (in Australia).

As part of the E3 Global Scholarship, you will pilot one of Young Change Agents’ programs in your school setting and contribute to a global research piece.

Entrepreneurial education for all

Preparing our children for the future knows no international boundaries.

Program components

  • Take Blended Professional Development sessions alongside the cohort (choice of sessions to suit your timezone plus self-paced learning activities) for up to 5 team members

  • One-on-one mentor to help you prepare for effective implementation and evaluation of your pilot program in 2025

  • Access to Young Change Agents’ evidence-based entrepreneurial programs including our Entrepreneurial Learning Hub for educators and your students

  • Access to the E3 Connect network of entrepreneurial educators including monthly meetups

  • A travel scholarship (up to AUS$5000 to spend on flights/accommodation) and a ticket to E3 Unconference in Tasmania November 2024*

  • A matched placement with a leading entrepreneurial school in Australia for a 3-day immersive experience prior to the E3 Unconference.

  • Contribution to the E3 Global research including a case study of your pilot program and the impact on your own mindset and practice, your students, school and the wider community.

*The overall scholarship is to benefit the school and covers 1 x attendee as part of the immersion. Your school may self-fund additional participants.

Program timeline


July 2024 - Scholarships open for application

9th August 2024 - Applications close and shortlisted candidates contacted for interview

22nd August 2024 - First Cohort announced

18th September 2024 - Kickoff call with E3 Global Group including the 5 Australian Hosts

27th October 2024 - Scholarship recipients arrive in Australia (at host schools)

28-30th October 2024 - Host school immersion and travel to Tasmania

31st Oct- 2nd November 2024 - E3 Unconference Tasmania

From 3rd November - Depart Australia (or extend for personal travel)

Nov-December 2024- Professional development and coaching


Jan- June 2025 - Run a pilot Young Change Agents program in your school/region

July 2025 - Contribute to the Global Research paper through a country case study

Help youth turn problems into opportunities through building entrepreneurial mindsets, skillsets and toolsets.

Read below for how to apply!


To be eligible for this scholarship you must meet the following criteria:

  • Live in a country outside of Australia

  • Hold a current passport and able to apply for a visa to travel to Australia in October-November 2024

  • Be currently working at a high school/secondary school and have the support from the leadership team

  • Be able to demonstrate a strong interest in innovative learning

  • Be able to demonstrate strong collaboration skills (how this scholarship will allow you to share learnings with others in your country)

  • Be able to participate in ALL requirements of the scholarships namely:

    • Participation in the Australia immersion and Unconference

    • Piloting the program in your school including the necessary Professional Development

    • Completing your section of the research study on time

  • Be able to cover all other travel expenses not covered by the AU$5000 Travel Scholarship and E3 Unconference Ticket. Depending on where you live this might include additional travel expenses, visas, food etc.

Application Questions

We recommend copying these questions and preparing your questions ready to copy/paste into the form as it can’t be saved. You can also choose to submit via video. If you choose the video option you do NOT need to submit a written response. If you choose the written submission, you do NOT need to submit a video,

The questions are: (100 words maximum for each question)

  1. Tell us about your school, who is applying and the impact and change you want to see? (100 words)

  2. Tell us about your country and region and how schools are engaging in entrepreneurial education at the moment? (100 words)

  3. How would this scholarship be a lever for change/innovation at your school? (100 words)

  4. What interests you most about this scholarship opportunity? (100 words)

  5. You will also be asked to confirm the following using a tickbox:

  • This application is endorsed by our Principal/or I am the Principal

  • Our teacher/team will participate in the Professional Development and Coaching

  • Our nominated representative has a current passport and is able to travel to Australia Oct 27th -Nov 3rd

  • Our school commits to running a pilot program can lead a pilot program between Jan-June 2025

  • We will contribute to the E3 Global Research Study

Scholarship Contact

Dr Renae Jones


Young Change Agents
